Thursday, June 21, 2007

colonists and the colonized....the tragedy of divide and conquer...

O God! What mercy is this! What sins are we being punished for so much and so often

...and Hamas conquers Gaza...a land with no people is again conquered by people who have neither land, hope nor any semblance of a normal human life.

And we, the colonists and experimenters of democracy throughout the world want to strengthen the hand of Abu Mazen...madness..madness walks the lands....

When the western powers talk of "West Bank first", we mean that we want to make sure the concentration camp called Gaza starves slowly while the West Bank's corrupt cronies are co-opted for a bit more time...madness...madness

We the colonized do this to ourselves EVERY BLOODY TIME!!!! It's like clockwork. When the colonizer needs some respite from legitimate demands of enfranchisement, they dole out "limited " favors to the chosen few and BANG! civil war results and continues ad infinitum. Some examples..
--Nigeria ( Christian/Muslim psuedo-divide)
--Sudan ( Christian/Muslim psuedo-divide)
--India/Pakistan ( Hindu/Muslim psuedo-divide)
--Indonesia ( Hindu/Muslim/Christian psuedo-divide)

All of these are labels that the colonizers puts forth, and we who have been struggling for an identity put on, are like the stinking garb of Mordor. The stink never goes away....there is no escape when you are an "indian muslim" or "untouchable". The stereotype continues to define your very existence.

O God! Show other paths... paths less strewn with crushed hopes and dreams....

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